
5 Habits I Want To Get Into

June 19, 2019

Now that my exams are over, I've been meaning to get my life back into order, by being a bit more productive for the summer, and pick up a few habits on the way. I'm also planning on posting a lot more on this blog, as my A-Level exams have been my priority for the last few months, and I start university in September, so I'm looking forward to making more university-related content. Though, for this summer, there's quite a few things I've been meaning to do to better my life, which I thought I'd share with you.

1. Waking up earlier
I've always wanted to be one of those people who can wake up early, even on the weekends, and get the most out of everyday, but I still find myself sleeping in and wasting so much of the day. The peacefulness of the early morning and having time to yourself to relax or be productive with no distractions so you can get on with your work seems ideal, though I can never commit to waking up early. I always seem to hit snooze and say 'I'll do it later', which never quite works out.

2. Eating healthy
This is something I am so bad at, and it would be so helpful if eating healthy became a habit, which would hopefully increase my energy and focus. I end up eating healthy for one day, then giving up the next, so this one may require quite a bit more effort, and hopefully a lifestyle change. This alongside actually learning to cook, or at least, basic food-making skills, which would be very beneficial for university, or will I fail and then continue to live on cup noodles and toast? Probably the latter, but you can't go wrong with trying.

3. Being more physically active
Over the past few months, my daily step count has been a regrettable average of about 200 steps. I know, it's not great. Getting in a bit of exercise everyday would be beneficial, and would probably give me more energy, which would likely improve mood as well, so it's a win-win. This is the most important one for me, as revision really takes up most of your free time, leaving little time to focus on your health and fitness, so I need to get more active this summer (she says whilst sat in bed eating junk food...).

4. Meditation
This is something I've been meaning to make into a habit for a long time, but I have never found the time, or had the patience to do it. Taking a few minutes every day to reflect and be present in the moment could be really beneficial, and allow me to have a clearer mind and better focus. I am someone who often struggles to concentrate, so this habit would likely allow me to be productive with my time by focusing more on things I need to do. Though, whether this will stop me from procrastinating such things, I'm not so sure.

5. Yoga
Again, something I have tried to get into the past, but never committed to it. I though this would be good for at night to wind down, or in the morning, to prepare for the day. Though, I always forget, or don't have the time, which makes it difficult to fit it into my day so I never ended up practising it regularly. Now I have a lot more time on my hands, I'm definitely going to try to fit this into my life, even if it is just a few times a week, it all counts!

What is one habit you want to get into? Let me know in the comments!

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  1. These are all such wonderful habits to form! Thanks for the motivation!


  2. omg what a great motivation !! thanks for sharing this!

    Jadieegosh   Instagram
